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/ PC World 2007 January / PCWorld_2007-01_cd.bin / v cisle / syncback / SyncBackSE_Setup.exe / {app} / SYNCBACKSE.CHM / global-settings2.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  2006-11-16  |  20KB  |  566x493  |  8-bit (255 colors)
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OCR: Global Settings Easy Expert Put new, imported, pue copied profile settings Files into, The same directory as the (where it is run From/installed) The current users application data Automatic Open The settings are stored here: C:Documents and Settings\HP Administrator\Local Settings) Application Data\2BrightSparks\SyncBack\Sett Backup all profiles when the exits Documents pue Settings\HP AdministratoriLoca Settings Application Data\2BrightSparks\SyncBack\P very Frequent Progress update frequency Less Frequent Shutdown after profiles have run when configured to run on shutdown/restart Update Check Cancel prrpr inst alled eqep iDocuments ator Datal2Bri ightSparks progr ratoriLocal SvncBack Freguent